The accident which caused the catastrophe could have
been a common one. It was decided to transport the bomb by a centaur class
fighter-bomber, the test should have
taken place in the asteroid belt. Unfortunately a failure in the
auxiliary generator activated the bomb by its overvoltage. The
crash landing which resulted activated the bomb and the detonator reached the planetary core before
clashing, in accordance with it's basic programming.
A concussion bomb not have an explosive part, it uses a piece of the planetary core as blasting charge.
The temporary and localised modification of the weak force constant
which is a result for the detonation transform all iron in 100 m into a something more unstable than plutonium…
The explosion only causes one large earthquake, but the thermal
energy released by the induced nuclear reactions involve the fusion of
the planetary core, and in the case of Mars, partial fusion of the mantle.
The burned March, with its strong residual radioactivity will remain as a
testimony of the madness of the men and their inventiveness into
Big delirium in POV-Ray, an interesting scene to build, for the luminous textures and effects, but a torture for an Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 with 2.80GHz: 142 hours 3 minutes 42 seconds of render….
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