Uranille 1638

Fleche_rouge_haut (1K)
Fleche_rouge_gauche en-gb fr-fr Version française Fleche_rouge_droite

Uranille 1638

Unattended result of an experimentation in POV-Ray. I found the result interesting. At the beginning the goal was - and is always - to reproduce a 100% realistic POV-Ray planet . Here is the result of a test on the cloud layer ....
For information I joint the "faulty" source code

texture {pigment {color rgbf 1}}
interior {
  media {
    method 3 aa_threshold 0.1 aa_level 3
    samples 4 intervals 1
    scattering {2, color <0.95,0.95,1>/5 extinction 1 }
    density {
      noise_generator 2
      scale < 2.2, .7, 2.2>*2
      warp {turbulence <1.5,1,1.5> octaves 5 lambda 2.1 omega 0.3}
      warp {spherical}
      color_map {
        [0.00 color rgb 1.000]
        [0.10 color rgb 0.950]
        [0.40 color rgb 0.035]
        [0.45 color rgb 0.007]
        [0.50 color rgb 0.000]
        [0.60 color rgb 0.000]
        [0.65 color rgb 0.005]
        [0.70 color rgb 0.025]
        [0.95 color rgb 0.975]
        [1.00 color rgb 1.000]

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 France License .

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